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Dr Michael Blum MD (Board-Certified Emergency Physician) is an emergency physician.

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Dr. Michael Blum has been board-certified in Internal Medicine and is licensed to practice at Martin Memorial North, South, Tradition Medical Center, St. Lucie Medical Center. Home Reach, LLC is also his medical director. He earned his doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from Nova Southeastern University and specialized in Internal and cardiovascular disease at Shands, University of Florida. He has been practicing for over 32 year and is currently available in Martin County.

After graduating in the Philippines from the University of the East- Ramon Magsaysay Medical Center, Dr. Blum started his own practice in Alexander City. He founded Southlake Orthopaedics Sports Medicine and Spine Center. This has grown to become a prominent local orthopedic practice. Dr. Blum's expertise in orthopedics is not the only thing that he does. He also focuses on joint replacement and sports medicine.

Dr. Blum earned his medical degree at the University of Florida College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1997. Since then, he has completed a residency at the University of Florida in Internal Medicine. He maintains a private practice in Stuart. Before scheduling an appointment, patients should confirm that their insurance covers them. This is especially important for patients with low or no insurance. This doctor can be a great option for people who don't have any or little health insurance.

healthy living tips for students

Dr. Blum has been board certified in Emergency Medicine. He accepts most insurance plans. Blum specializes in the treatment of patients with bone and cartilage problems. He is also a certified in Cosmetic Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy and Cleft Lip and Palate Repair. Dr. Michael Blum, a board-certified emergency medicine physician, can be reached today. You can also request an appointment online. This allows you to have a consultation online and avoid the traditional office visit.

Dr. Michael Blum has a medical degree and is also a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. As a University of Florida student, he started his professional career. After graduation, he went on to work as a Venture Partner at Sofinnova Ventures. He co-founded Camitro, a pharmaceutical company with teams in Cambridge, UK and California. His tenure saw him help to create a digital health innovation laboratory and he has been a consultant for many companies and organisations.

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How do you lose weight?

It can be difficult to lose weight. Many people quit because they don’t know where to start.

There are simple steps you can take in order to lose those extra pounds.

First, ensure you eat fewer calories that you burn. If you are eating more than you are burning, then you are going to gain weight.

The second is to get regular exercise in order burn those calories. You have the option of doing jogging or walking or cycling, as well as dancing.

Third, you need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. These habits will cause you more calories than normal.

Fourth, reduce your intake of fatty and processed foods. These can be replaced with healthier options like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Fifth, change your lifestyle. For example, you may need to get up early every morning to exercise before work.

Sixth: You must be disciplined, and you must follow your diet plan.

You can also burn excess calories by joining a gym, or taking an aerobics course.

These simple tips will help you quickly see results.

Is it true, that too much protein can cause kidney stones?

Protein helps to maintain healthy bones, tissue, and skin. Consuming too much protein can result is calcium excretion via urine. This can cause kidney stones.

It is important to remember that not all people get kidney stones from eating more than 2g protein per kilogram (2.2lbs) of body weight. High amounts of protein can be consumed by some people without causing kidney stones.

Your sodium intake can prevent kidney stone formation. Sodium regulates the body's water balance. A high level of sodium can increase the risk of developing kidney stone.

If you have kidney stones, you can reduce your intake of protein. For most people, protein provides half their daily caloric requirements. If you cut back on protein, you'll likely lose weight.

If you do decide to eat more protein, don't go overboard. Try to eat less than 20% protein in total calories.

How Metabolic health is key to aging well

People live longer today than ever before. However, people are getting sicker as they live longer. While medical science has made incredible advances, it's becoming increasingly obvious that the current approach is not working.

It's time to change our perceptions of health and aging. We have to start looking at metabolic health - not just weight loss but overall wellness - as the key to healthy aging.

To live a full and active life, your metabolism should be healthy all your life.

The good news is that there are many ways to improve your metabolic health. You can improve your metabolic health by incorporating these 7 foods in to your diet.

  1. Blueberries contain resveratrol, which has been shown to help support cellular longevity. They also contain antioxidants and vitamins C & E.
  2. Pinto beans and lentils make excellent sources of fiber as well as plant-based protein. These nutrients are important for maintaining blood sugar levels that don't spike, crash or change.
  3. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, shown in studies to protect cells against DNA damage. It might even slow down the progression of cancer.
  4. Chia seeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acid. They are high in protein and antioxidants. All these nutrients support heart health, brain function and gut health.
  5. Green Tea contains polyphenols called caechins. Studies have shown that green tea contains catechins which are linked to lower bone fractures and cardiovascular disease. They also reduce cognitive decline and diabetes risk.
  6. Salmonis high in protein and rich in vitamin D is one of the most popular sources of lean proteins.
  7. Walnuts are high in omega-3s. They also contain antioxidants like alphalipoic Acid (ALA). ALA protects against inflammation and boosts energy production.

Do I need to exercise every morning?

No! No! That could mean walking fast enough for you to get slightly out of breath and biking hard enough for you to sweat.

How many calories do I need to eat each day?

This varies from person to person. An average person needs 2000-2500 calories per day. The factors that determine how many calories are needed for you include your gender, age, height, activity level, lifestyle, and gender.

Is it possible to drink alcohol while training?

Yes. Alcohol increases energy expenditure, speeds up recovery times, and reduces soreness.

The insulin sensitivity of alcohol is also increased, which makes it easier for glucose to be absorbed.

However, alcohol can lead to dehydration that can slow down your metabolism. Also, alcohol can reduce testosterone production, which may lead to lower muscle-building potential.

This is why women shouldn't have alcoholic drinks before exercising. Women who are heavily alcoholic should wait at minimum 24 hours before starting to work out.

It is important that women who are nursing avoid alcohol.

Men should limit their alcohol intake to just one drink each day.

What does butter have to do with men?

Butter is one the most nutritious sources of saturated oils. This fat is good for hair and skin health, as well as stronger bones.

Butter also contains vitamin K, which prevents bleeding from cuts and bruises. Vitamin K is combined with vitamin C to prevent bruises.

Butter is also rich with minerals, such as calcium and phosphorous. These elements are good for teeth and bones.

Butter has its limitations. Butter has high cholesterol. Studies show that too much cholesterol can increase your risk of developing heart disease.

Butter is high in saturatedfat, which contributes both to obesity, and raises cholesterol.

You can spread butter on bread if you are forced to use it. Bread absorbs more oil that pasta and potatoes.


  • The PRS enabled risk stratification for overall prostate cancer and lethal disease with a four-fold difference between men in the highest and lowest quartiles (HR, 4.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.16-5.89). (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  • Cardmembers earn 5% Back at Amazon.com with a Prime Credit Card. (amazon.com)
  • Are You One of the 20% of Guys (mh.co.za)
  • 10 pounds in a month is likely during a lean bulking phase, especially for beginners. (muscleandstrength.com)
  • By John Thompson Take a whopping 38% off a set of PowerBlock Pros. (menshealth.com)

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How To

What should I eat before going to the gym?

For weight loss, you should eat fewer calories per day than you burn during exercise. Also, you must eat all the nutrients.

This includes protein, carbohydrates fats, vitamins and other nutrients.

This is best done by eating smaller meals throughout each day, rather than three large meals.

You may not be as effective if there is too much hunger during your workouts.

Consider drinking water rather than sugary energy drinks. This will keep your body hydrated and energized.

Make sure to drink enough fluids. Too much water can dilute your electrolytes.

For proper functioning, your body requires electrolytes.

You could also drink sports drinks if water is scarce. These drinks contain minerals such as sodium, potassium and calcium.

This helps replenish electrolytes that have been lost. These won't, however, replace the sweat you lose from exercising.

Multivitamins can help you avoid salt loss from exercise if you are worried.

These contain extra vitamin B6 which helps regulate the amount of sodium in your body.

Supplements shouldn't be used if you don’t know how much salt is in food and beverages.

They aren’t controlled by the Food and Drug Administration.

Sports drinks, for example, can have higher sodium levels than others.

Some sports drinks may contain artificial sweeteners or other preservatives. These could cause digestive problems.

You could use sea salt if you are concerned about taking too much salt.

It contains less chemicals than table sodium.

Sea salt has a low level of iodine. It is an additional mineral required for healthy thyroid function.


Dr Michael Blum MD (Board-Certified Emergency Physician) is an emergency physician.